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by Dr. Monica Vermani

December 27th, 2021

How About a New Year’s Resolution Revolution!

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

As we say goodbye to 2021 and imagine what the future could hold, let’s explore the good, the bad, and the impossible about New Year’s resolutions, and start the new year with a more compassionate and sustainable way forward. Let’s start a New Year’s resolution revolution and begin 2022 by setting ourselves up for success and happiness by becoming the hero in our own lives.

How About a New Year’s Resolution Revolution!

December 20th, 2021

Conquering the Holiday Blues!

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

’Tis the season for the Holiday Blues. What is it about this traditionally joyful and restful time of year that somehow produces the perfect storm of stress, expectations, isolation, and over-extension that can leave us feeling sad, depleted, disconnected, and alone? This week, we’ll take a close look at the many facets of the Holiday Blues, and share seven strategies to help banish the Holiday Blues once and for all.

Conquering the Holiday Blues!

December 13th, 2021


By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

We’ve all experienced hurt and harm at some point in our lives. We may have been disrespected, lied to, manipulated, taken for granted. We may have experienced physical or emotional abuse. In the aftermath of these experiences, we often find it difficult — at times close to impossible — to forgive someone who has hurt us. Even when we want to move on, we struggle to find a way to forgive. Let’s look at the dynamics of forgiveness, and explore a powerful way to forgive past hurts and move beyond our suffering. 

December 6th, 2021

Holding Space!

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

We seem to do it naturally for others, but struggle to prioritize our own needs, desires, and self-care. Let’s look at how to hold space for ourselves, treat ourselves with care, consideration, kindness, compassion, and love.

Holding Space!

November 29th, 2021

Dealing With Difficult People

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

We all have people with whom we struggle with, problematic people who seem to drain us of our energies, rub us the wrong way, poke, provoke, frustrate or trigger us in unpleasant ways. Dealing with problematic friends, colleagues, and family members needn't be fraught and stressful. We can learn to deal with troublesome people by taking a deeper look at ourselves.

Dealing With Difficult People

November 22nd, 2021

Clearing Past Hurts

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Life is a series of experiences. Some make us feel loved, appreciated, supported, and capable. These we label as good. Those experiences we label as bad can fill us with shame, fear, anger, envy or dread, and leave us feeling depleted, defeated, abandoned, unloved, or alone. Rather than let go of negative experiences, we often distract ourselves and bury our pain. And buried pain has a way of showing up when we least expect it! Let’s explore why and how we avoid making peace with our negative experiences and residual emotions, and how we can put our past hurts to rest and create the life we want.

Clearing Past Hurts

November 15th, 2021

Making the Mind/Body Connection

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Mental health plays a huge role in our overall well-being. Just as good mental health positively affects our physical health, poor mental health can take a toll on our physical wellbeing. What most of us do not know is that mental health issues often show up as physical or physiological symptoms. Mental health issues, including stress, mood, and anxiety disorders, left unidentified and untreated, can cause immeasurable suffering. Building awareness around the connection between mental health issues and physical symptoms is key to diagnosis, treatment, and healing.

Making the Mind/Body Connection

November 8th, 2021

Moving Through Grief

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Grief is a part of life. It’s a profound and painful natural reaction to the loss of someone or something deeply meaningful and loved. Though much has been written about how we process the significant losses in our lives, grief remains a taboo subject largely misunderstood, unexplored, and ignored in our society. Let’s look at how to move through our own grief, how we can support those we love as they grieve, and the healing power of gratitude. 

Moving Through Grief

November 1th, 2021

Seasonal Affective Disorder

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

It’s that time of year again. It’s getting darker earlier by the day. And this weekend, we'll be setting our clocks back an hour, plunging our days into darkness even earlier! Each and every one of us feels the absence of the sun, but for some of us, the shorter days and the diminishing access to natural light bring on SAD. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is real. Its effects range from mild to debilitating. Let’s look at what SAD is, how it can manifest in our lives, and what we can do about it.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

October 25th, 2021

Understanding Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD)

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

What exactly is PTSD? What causes it? Who suffers from it? And can it be treated effectively? This week, let’s take a close look at what causes PTSD, why and how it affects sufferers, and how they can find the supports and treatment they need to move beyond their trauma.


• Connect with one of the many PTSD resources across Canada. Start here:
 Canadian Mental Health Association  416-646-5557

Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

October 18th, 2021

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Generalized Anxiety Disorder, also known as GAD, is the term used to identify people suffering from excessive levels of worry, over-thinking, and anxiety over several areas of their lives for a prolonged period of time. As its name suggests, generalized anxiety does not limit itself to one or two areas of life — it is chronic worry about real life concerns and it can be quite understandably and expectedly — distressing, like a challenging health diagnosis or a high-pressure career phase.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

October 11th, 2021

Coping with Social Anxiety Disorder
in a Post-COVID World

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By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

As the world begins to re-open, social anxiety is at an all-time high. The better we can understand what social anxiety is, and how to identify its symptoms in ourselves and others, the better equipped we will be at coping with this potentially crippling form of anxiety as we re-enter our work and social environments.

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Social Anxiety

October 4th, 2021

How to Stop Existing and Start Living!

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

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The many benefits of building a full and enriched life.


​Life is, as they say, what you make it. And what we make of our lives can be the very making of us. One of the tenets of Buddhism speaks of the necessity to create interest in life. In other words, we are responsible for creating purpose in our lives, at every age. We all have life tasks and responsibilities that demand much of our time and energy. Often, we fall into routines that leave us little or no time to explore life beyond our to-do list.

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How to Stop Existing and
Start Living!


Help! Do I Need A Therapist

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

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As a clinical psychologist, people ask me this a lot. Of course, as with all complex questions, there’s no simple answer. What I can say is that we are all at once, perfect and a work in progress! We all have good days and bad days, and most of the time, we can enjoy the good days and we get through and somehow figure out how to manage the bad ones. But sometimes, we do tend to struggle more than usual or feel overwhelmed by life. We can even lose hope and feel as though life is spinning out of control.

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September 27th, 2021

Putting problems on the table

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By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

When we’re feeling overwhelmed, or our lives feel like they are out of control, we struggle to understand what’s happening. And we’re often at a complete loss as to how to deal with our problems. It’s important to become aware of how to identify problems that show up in our lives, how our problems show up as physical symptoms and negative thoughts and behaviors, and how these areas are interconnected. We can learn a way to examine our problems — on a table with three legs — where we can identify our physical symptoms, and maladaptive thoughts and behaviors, and begin to make positive changes.

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Putting problems on the table meditation 

September 20th, 2021

Part Three: Raising Your EQ

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

What exactly is emotional intelligence? Why is high EQ such a valued attribute? Are there things we can do to raise our emotional intelligence? In Part 3 of Self-care September, you’ll find answers to these questions, and a whole lot more!

Raising your EQ 

September 13th, 2021

Take-charge Tools for Self-care

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

We’ve all been there. There are some days when we seem to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. We miss a bus, forget an important document, we’re late for an appointment, lose track of time, and things just seem to go from bad to worse. The next time you have one of those days, there are ways to reconnect with yourself and turn things around.

Take-charge Tools for Self-care

September 6th, 2021

Part One: Setting an Intention of Better Self-Care

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

September is here. And that means back to school, back to business, and back to work. What better time to get back to basics than the fresh start that September ushers in? Let’s declare September ‘Self-care’ month.


In this month’s articles and videos, we will be focusing on how to reboot, refresh or revitalize our self-care. Together we can take caring for ourselves

— mind, body, and spirit — to a whole new level. There’s no time like the present to start factoring yourself into the equation of your life and putting your needs right where they belong, at the top of your list. Let’s talk about your self-care and you!

August 30th, 2021

Nothing Personal

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

In taking what others say and do personally, we needlessly diminish and exhaust ourselves by giving negativity a place to fester and grow. Let’s look at what happens when we let the actions and words of others in, and what happens when we stop taking everything personally!

Nothing Personal

August 23th, 2021

Running on Empty!

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Tired of being tired? Then it’s time to face the facts about fatigue. Let’s look at what’s making us tired, how fatigue impacts our lives, and what we can do to get back on track.

Running on Empty!

August 16th, 2021

Choosing to be Happy Now

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

We’ll be happy when we land that dream job, find the perfect partner, move into our dream house, have enough money to retire… Many people place conditions on being happy, but the reality is that happiness is not about having, achieving, acquiring, or arriving. Happiness is a choice. And we can

choose to be happy here and now!

Choosing to be Happy Now

Our Obstacles, Our Teachers

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We all have good days when everything seems to go as planned, and bad days, when unforeseen issues or problems show up to throw us off course. When we begin to look at these obstacles and the challenges they present as valuable lessons, our problems take on a whole new meaning.

August 9th, 2021

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Our Obstacles, Our Teachers

How to Be Your Own Best Friend

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Are there times when you wonder whether the choices you’ve made are right for you? Do you find yourself acting in ways that hide your true feelings, or spending a great deal of your time doing things you do not enjoy? If so, you’re not alone. Most of us spend a great deal of time doing, speaking, and interacting in ways we have learned, rather than in alignment with our true selves. Let’s look at how we can move toward becoming our own best friend and living a more authentic and fulfilling life.  

August 2nd, 2021

How to Be Your Own Best Friend

No More Numbing!

July 26th, 2021

No More Numbing!

How to stop numbing your feelings and let go of past hurts

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Life is a series of experiences. Some make us feel loved, appreciated, supported, and capable. These we label as good. Those experiences we label as bad fill us with shame, fear, anger, envy or dread, and leave us feeling, defeated, abandoned, unloved, and alone. Rather than process and let go of negative experiences, we often choose instead to distract ourselves and bury our pain. But buried pain has a way of showing up when we least expect it! Let’s explore why and how we avoid negative emotions, and how we can put our past hurts to rest and create the life we want.

July 19th, 2021

A Most Valuable Lesson in Chemistry!

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Finding that undefinable spark with a new partner is like looking for a needle in a haystack. We don’t know how to describe it or how we’ll find it, but we’re certain we’ll know it when it comes along. Let’s look at the laws of attraction and explore what personal chemistry truly is. What draws us to others? And what should we be looking for when we want a relationship that will stand the test of time?

A Most Valuable Lesson
in Chemistry!

Right Now Poem

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Stop for a moment and calm your thoughts.

Let go of your anxieties and look around you.

What do you see?

You see a world filled with beauty.

July 12th, 2021

Putting the past where it belongs!

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

When it comes to the past, we’ve all been there… caught in the negative loops of replaying past hurts, regrets, and disappointments. But the past is just the past, and that’s exactly where it belongs. It’s important to move forward, and be present in our life. Let’s explore how we can begin to put the past exactly where it belongs, in the past!

Putting the past where it

July 5th, 2021

You and your schemas

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

We’ve all got them. We use them every day. We revise and make new ones all the time. Some of them help us, and some of them do more harm than good. Let’s explore schemas, how they work for us, how they sometimes get in the way, and what we can do to keep our schemas working for, rather than against us.

You and your schemas

June 28th, 2021

Making Our Faith Bigger Than Our Fear  

Click below to Listen to Full Article • Podcast

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

In uncertain times, such as the current protracted global COVID-19 crisis, fears and anxieties can run rampant. And no wonder! Not knowing what the future holds, our anxieties around what lies ahead may leave us doubting our ability to cope. Let’s explore how we can strive to make our faith in our ability to handle whatever comes our way bigger than our fear of what the future may hold.

Guided Meditation

Making Our Faith Bigger Than Our Fear  

June 14th, 2021

The purpose of suffering

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

It’s part of life. We all suffer losses, disappointments, failures, and trauma. We all go through pain and hurts at some point in our lives. When we realize the true purpose of our suffering, we can use it as a means of releasing ourselves from situations that no longer serve us. And we

can move forward and build a stronger, better life for ourselves.

The purpose of suffering

June 7th, 2021

Mirror, Mirror!    How the people in our world reveal ourselves to us

Click below to Listen to Full Article • Podcast

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

We all have aspects of ourselves that are hidden to us, weaknesses, unresolved issues, and challenges buried deep. The people we meet as we move through life, hold up mirrors that reflect back to us who we are. When we understand how to truly see what others reveal to us, we can learn, flourish, be authentic and grow.

Guided Meditation

Mirror, Mirror! 

May 31th, 2021

Click below to Listen to Full Article • Podcast

The Power of No

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Many times, we find ourselves saying yes when we wish we could say no … to a request for help from a family member, friend, or colleague. No matter how big the imposition or request — or how much it impacts our plans, monopolizes our time, or drains our energies —we struggle sometimes

with saying no! Let’s examine why we find that little word so hard to say, and learn to embrace the power of no!

Guided Meditation

The Power of No

May 24th, 2021

You… Unlimited

Click below to Listen to Full Article • Podcast

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Often, without realizing it, we are our own worst enemies. We believe that we’re not smart enough, attractive enough, or worthy of what we want most in life. By understanding where our self-limiting beliefs come from and recognizing their negative impacts on our lives, we can start to overcome them and see our potential to attain the happiness and success we want for ourselves!

Guided Meditation

You… Unlimited!

May 17th, 2021

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What Lies Beneath

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Ever wonder what underlies negative emotions, like anger? Learning to look beneath ‘blanket’ emotions, like anger, can lead to a deeper, more compassionate, and more authentic understanding of ourselves and others. 

Guided Meditation

What Lies Beneath

May 10th, 2021

To Sleep, To Sleep!

Click below to Listen to Full Article • Podcast

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

In our over-scheduled and over-stimulated lives, not getting enough sleep is the least of our worries. More often than not, it’s the first thing we sacrifice when we’re faced with looming deadlines, anxiety, unexpected demands, or tasks. What’s the big deal? We’ll catch up later, right? Not so! Let’s explore the importance of sleep and game-changing strategies to help you get a good night’s rest. 

Guided Meditation

To Sleep, To Sleep!

May 3th, 2021

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The Power of Compassion

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

Challenging times can make for some very trying encounters. It’s when the going gets tough that the true value of having compassion for others comes into sharp focus. Compassion is more than a thought, it’s action. Let’s look at the game-changing value of compassion, and explore the challenges and rewards of mindfully bringing in compassion where it is needed most.

Guided Meditation

The Power of Compassion

April 26th, 2021

What Goes Up Must Come Down - Part 2

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By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

00:00 / 07:43

In Part I of this article, we examined how the cycle of anxiety and panic builds over time, with negative memories fueling anticipatory anxiety, which in turn can lead to full-on panic attacks. Here, we explore how high anxiety, feared situations and panic attacks impact our lives, and how we can face our worst-case-scenarios head-on and conquer our fears 

Guided Meditation

00:00 / 11:48

What Goes Up Must Come Down-Part 2

April 19th, 2021

What Goes Up Must Come Down - Part 1

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By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

00:00 / 08:37

In this two-part feature, we will explore the cycle of panic, what it looks like, how it plays out, how to navigate feared or dreaded situations, and how we can conquer our most dreaded scenarios. 

Guided Meditation

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What Goes Up Must Come Down-Part 1

April 12th, 2021

The Ripple Effect

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By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

00:00 / 08:41

We’ve heard it time and time again! Our thoughts matter. With a dramatic increase in a sense of isolation, anxiety, and fear as the lingering effects of COVID-19 continue to take their toll on our mental health, more than ever, our thoughts matter. Let’s look at the upside and downside of positive thinking, and why and how our thoughts matter and play out.

Guided Meditation

00:00 / 09:02

The Ripple Effect

April 5th, 2021

Feeling, Healing and Growth

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By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

00:00 / 08:30

Life is a series of experiences. When these experiences are positive, all’s well. But negative experiences are a whole different story. They can stir up a whole range of negative, uncomfortable memories and emotions. Rather than sit with and experience negative feelings, we often seek to ’numbing’ these feelings with alcohol, shopping, drugs, food, or other distracting and sometimes risky endeavours. Understanding why we seek to numb negative emotions and learning how to navigate through and clear negative emotions are essential to navigating unpleasant memories and uncomfortable feelings as they arise.

Guided Meditation

00:00 / 07:11

Feeling, Healing and Growth

March 29, 2021

Give From Your Overflow… Not From Your Well!

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By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

00:00 / 07:12

Sometimes we step up to lend a helping hand to a friend, family member or colleague in need. While helping others is kind, caring and selfless — and is generally a good thing — at times, our good intentions get the better of us, and lead to patterns of behaviour and situations where we find ourselves giving and helping too much. We over-extend, deplete and exhaust ourselves. Let’s look at the interplay between giving, taking and the importance of making sure we have the time, energy and mindset to care for our own needs.

Guided Meditation

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Give From Your Overflow…

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